Saturday, September 29, 2007

Artiste-ouvrier at the Difusor

One of my favourite stencil artists is artiste-ouvrier. His stencils always consist of such a lot of tiny details, it's amazing! Here are some of the works he did at the Difusor.

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Artiste-ouvrier at the Difusor - part 2

WCA crew at the Difusor

These are some splendid works from the guys from the WCA free university of stencil art. Among the members are artiste-ouvrier, is bach, Doctor H, Marybel (all from France) and Doppelstern from Austria.

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WCA crew at the Difusor - part 2

simple but cute stencil from Sevilla

This is a stencil I came accross when walking through the streets of Seville. It's so simple but so cute at the same time. I'd love to have that at my doorbell!


Saturday, September 22, 2007

stencils from Southern Spain


I have just spent a week in Andalucía, in the South of Spain visiting among other cities Sevilla, Cordoba and Cadiz. Unfortunately, I didn't find too many stencils there. Here are some of them I came across. The one of Mogra seems to be Diego Maradona. I was delighted to find one of 237 project who was also at the Difusor in Barcelona.

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More stencils from Andalucía

Here is a brilliant one I found in Sevilla. Spain has a major problem with apartments, for young people it is almost impossible to afford to rent one. The stencil artist switched the comany's name to "no tengo casa" which means "I don't have a house". It also shows how a simple stencil can have a very significant message !

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A DOLK stencil from Bergen (Norway)

@TONE has among others blogs, one about Streetart in Bergen, Norway. As some might know, this is the hometown of DOLK !!!! Take a look at the blog because you will find several stencils from DOLK there ! @TONE sent me the one above, it is actually the mayor of Bergen, Herman Friele, of the Conservative party. I think it's really good ! And it's true, you probably won't find this stencil outside of Bergen. Unfortunately, they removed it and now there is only a blank spot.... waiting for a new stencil !


Saturday, September 01, 2007

2 great stencils from Paris

A very good friend of mine (and who is becoming a very good photographer !) has been to Paris recently and sent me these two stencils. I think they are really good !
The first one with the girl is from Pixel Parazit (see the PP signature in the left corner) who was actually also at the Difusor.
The one of Hitchcock is from Jeff Aerosol. On the sign that Hitchcock holds it actually says "H5N1", the symbol for the bird flu...
You can take a look at my friends fotolog here.

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