Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Los Piratos in Hamburg
I guess the one below of the girl is not from Los Piratos. Any idea who the artist is ???
I have recently spent a week in Hamburg and had a chance to take some pics of stencils. So far, I found out that you find most stencils in the so called "Schanzenviertel". Here are some from "Los Piratos" from Hamburg. Sorry, some photos look a bit blurry but most of them were put up quite high and it was difficult to take the photo! Find out more about them on Reclaim your city.
Labels: Hamburg, Los Piratos
More from Los Piratos
Here are some more from Los Piratos from Hamburg. Painting stencils on these stickers for parcels that you get from the post office (Päckchenaufkleber) is a very common thing to do. It's very practical since you can prepare the stencil at home and then later just stick it somewhere. People who know these stickers can see that Los Piratos in this case actually "copied" the sticker itself as a stencil! Very curious!
Labels: Hamburg, Los Piratos, stencils
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Stencil Nation Book to come out in June 2008 !!!

Russell from stencilarchive is going to publish the so called "Stencil Nation Book" in June 2008 ! It is a collection of photos of stencils from various artists, various parts of the world and much more. I am excited since I could take part as a documentarian and participated with my favourite pics of stencils I took between 2005 and now.
Labels: stencil nation book, stencilarchive, stencils
Saturday, November 17, 2007
RIPO - mirrors around Barcelona
RIPO had a great idea by fixing several mirrors each one painted with a stencil around Barcelona. It makes the boring urban panorama much more interesting and I am happy each time I come accross a new one. Maybe there are still a few I haven't seen ? Click HERE to find out in which other countries Ripo placed his mirrors.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Mosko et associés at the Difusor
Behind Mosko et associés are two French guys that make the streets of Paris more colourful. They often work with together with other artists.
Labels: Barcelona, difusor, mosko et associés
Saturday, November 03, 2007
stencils from Barcelona
Here are some stencils I saw recently in Barcelona. The one with the lift is from borbo, the heart and the face from fragil. The one of the police guys is from Mir, a stencil artist from Norway. I guess he left this while he was at the Difusor in Barcelona.
Labels: stencils Barcelona
more stencils from Barcelona
The stencil of the woman in red and white is surely from artiste-ouvrier. There was another one next to it but unfortunately, it had already been painted over with graffiti...
Labels: Artiste-ouvrier, stencils Barcelona