Artiste-Ouvrier stencils in Hamburg

The stencil artists artiste-ouvrier had an exhibition of their works in Hamburg at the Nanometer Gallery in November 2006. Unfortunately, it was already over when I was in Hamburg later but at least they had left some really nice stencils outside the gallery. One seems to be a copy of the "Saint George" (see painting).
More about artiste-ouvrier on their official website or on the WCA photoblog on
Labels: Artiste-ouvrier, Hamburg, WCA
hello Maya
congratulations for your picts. Just a pity we didn't meet... the next time please visit my atelier. Du bis immer wilkommen! i jut wanted to say that the St Georges comes from a Gustave Moreau paijnting 19e century
but it's not a copy!
it's a double layer stencil
and it looks really like G.Moreau although i cut it all and repainted.
well... I think a stencil is never a copy of a photo but a transformation isn't it? Keep on rolling! All the best from Art-Ouvrier
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