Stencils from Quasikunst 1

These are some stencils from Quasikunst, member of the ASA (Altona Stencil Art). I like the style very much and admire the details.
Labels: altona stencil art, ASA, Hamburg, quasikunst
Welcome to World of Stencils ! Good stencils make the life in a city much more interesting and also give the city a special touch. Most of the stencils are to be seen as a message - so watch out ! This weblog is a collection of stencils from all over the world. I am trying to snap a photo of them wherever I see one. I would like to dedicate this blog to the people doing the stencils because they are the real artists behind it. STENCILS - POCHOIRS - PLANTILLAS - STENCIL - POCHOIR - PLANTILLA
Labels: altona stencil art, ASA, Hamburg, quasikunst
Yes. Trully...
Love the detail in these. High detail works wonderfully in stenciled portraits. Im working on it myself in my work.
Check out my blog:
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